On March 5th and 6th, Comer Construction conducted it’s 6th annual Safety Day. We split the company in half and do half one day and the other half the other day. Here is what we covered:
Thinking Outside the (Trench) Box
Monica Rakoczy
Motivational Speaker
EnterTRAINING Solutions, LLC
Carl Lamb
District Manager
Trench Tech, Inc.

Focusing on the National Emphasis Program for Trench Safety, this program provided a brief review of 1926 Subpart P with highlights on where common errors can be found in the field. It provided a further understanding of common trench safety systems, including their limitations that are often overlooked, as well as included an overview of other readily available safety solutions (but little known!) for unique digs. This session helped employees better understand the standards and recommendations addressing the dangers of excavation and trenching, and highlighted ways to protect themselves or fellow workers.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn about different dangers of trenching operations.
- Understand Soil classification
- Know what constitutes a ‘competent person’
This presentation also included a live trench box demonstration using the Trench Tech van.
Driving Behaviors that can wreck your world!
Michael Bomgardner
Community Engagement Program Manager
Southern MD, Maryland State Highway Safety Office
Julie Kwedar
Community Engagement Program Manager
Northern MD, Maryland State Highway Safety Office
This presentation discussed traffic safety. It also informed employees how they can be a safe driver and how they can take it home to educate their family as well.

Investigating and Documenting Job Site Accidents
Vladimir “Vlad” Bortchevsky
Senior Project Manager
J.S. Held LLC
This presentation is an overview of what happens before, during and after an accident at the job site. The presentation will address how to conduct an active job site accident investigation and documentation, mitigation of factors that may contribute to an accident and what happens after the accident has occurred.

Safe Rigging Practices.
Joe Huggins
Outside Sale Representative
Certex USA, Inc.
This presentation was designed to educate employees about safe rigging practices. The presentation covered daily inspections using rigging devices, situations Comer Construction employees have faced and a question answer session at the end.

Employment Law for Supervisors and Managers
Douglas W. Desmarais
Smith & Downey, P.A.
This presentation discussed policies regarding unlawful discrimination and harassment, reporting procedures, and the proper use of internet and social media. Also, educated employees on how to identify behavior that constitutes unlawful discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory and harassing behavior based on a protected class.
DOT Safety
DFC TJ Jackson
DFC Chris McGann
DFC Mark Pilachowski
Harford County Sherriff’s Office Traffic Unit
This training session was a broad overview of the FMCSA regulations and how they pertain to Comer Construction, which included a question-and-answer session.

Comer Construction’s annual Safety Days underscore our commitment to the highest safety standards in our industry. Through presentations by these experts we’ve deepened our understanding of trench safety, safe driving, accident documentation, and more. These trainings are crucial; they equip our team with the knowledge to prevent accidents and protect lives.
Safety is not just a priority; it’s our responsibility.